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Codex Doors Opening.Jan 5, SHARING psd copy.jpg



Solo Show at the Seed

The Illuminated Codex

of The Sacred Valley

(ongoing series) 


Welcome to the Sacred Valley, an impossible and a real place, teeming with life in images echo-ing the design of planetary movements and the coursing of life through a single grasshopper's wings. Walk mountainous landscapes and discuss essential, meaningful questions with scores of hummingbirds as you pass through... See more...



Photos of Peru


I am grateful to have walked the dusty trails around Urubamba and Yucca, up the mountainous terraced steps of Ollantaytambo, through Machu Picchu, Cusco and more. Here are some thank-you notes to Peru via my Nikon D3500.


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The Storm Series


Born from the chaos and storms (physical and figurative) of pandemic times, the work in this collection is both volatile, active and supports the calm that comes after 100 mph winds have torn down trees and a new sun is rising. Painting, digital art and photography each played a part in these creations. See more...


you can only know
that which you
don't remember

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